Sunday, November 7, 2010

Is It possible?

Why do I address you? Because I do not know, can not we learned not to believe

in people and in humanity! And ... because you can not only go through life! Cause I do

not have the future without you .. without your support! There are rows of a painful sincerity.

Try typing this message to you in a continuous shaking of the soul, being me in this state

of despair that now more than a month I would not ever have believed it possible.

God, how difficult!

My name is Natalia Teodora Mitran, I am 32 years of professional legal adviser, also graduated

from the Master, an ebullient optimism, love of nature and travel, always driven by historical and

cultural curiosity, a balanced person who loves to laugh to communicate. But now that's

real 'being', that 'is',' Natalia etc are ... ", or speak it with an image and a reality last?

It rips me question every time I look in the past three weeks now.

It all started one day in September 13 when I started feeling bad, it hurt very much behind,

I was nauseated. I treated it as a cold, muscle tension, with cures all we know empirically.

The condition has not improved, so we called the ambulance, then I was admitted to

the Elias Hospital. Diagnosis: pneumonia. After the CT scan and other tests, the diagnosis

starts to evil change: cancer. I was transferred around the corner.This operation followed the

nodes that were sent to biopsy. And pitiless sword of Damocles has fallen: non Hodgkin's

lymphatic cancer with adult T cell - and extremely rare cancer that are of great aggression.

He followed the first series of chiomioterapie. He spoke then fever, which is why I was sent

to the Babes Hospital for treatment of infection. And then followed what I read, but naive,

I thought it would be my case: cadearea loss, vomiting, fever continue bed rest.

Romanian doctors were forecast funeral, therefore, knowing it was my last chance,

I came to Vienna, mobilized large number of cases cured by this wonderful team of specialists,

but also involves costs as: a day of admission: € 1,500 . But my chance lies in stem cell transplantation

a cost of 100,000 euros. Getting this news silenced me, because for me and my family is a huge value, and health

insurance company in Romania do not contribute in any

way in such cases.

Here I am therefore in this position in a prayer will help me to save myself, but even more chance

there is so close to me, but transplantation, for to be made, requires that the entire amount to be

deposited into account before the clinic in Vienna.

Every night I pray that everything has not been just a nightmare the next day found me in that

Natalia that you describe it in rows from the beginning.

But every morning, then realize with horror that one of my guardian angels be turned back.

I pray you watch me, to endure, to comfort me a bit ... the same non-answer answer.

But I persist, persist and continue to ask and hope that people, most of them do not know,

can become angels for me. "Is it possible? »

Thank you from my heart and God will comfort and bless you!